Annie Ridout a journalist in a conservatory wearing pink leopard print shoes and shirt

The Freelance Mum: A Flexible Career Guide for Better Work–Life Balance

Annie Ridout at er- editor-in-chief of digital lifestyle and parenting magazine The Early Hour works as a freelance journalist for national news and women’s magazines and has her first non-fiction book – The Freelance Mum: A flexible career guide for better work–life balance out in January 2019. It is a guide to setting up as a freelance mum – from deciding on your freelance career path, the practice of social media, perfecting your brand, childcare options, daily routines for optimum productivity, and maintaining healthy work/life boundaries amongst testimonials from other freelance mums. Preorder your copy here. Get your Powell Pink Panther (modelled by Annie above) here 

Young freelance mother in her dining room with art on the walls

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