Frank Ceramics
"British artist Alan Kane presents a floor-to-ceiling display of a forgotten moment of popular craft revival. The 1960s and '70s saw a resurgence in traditional wheel-thrown, glazed stone and slipware pottery in the typical rustic earthy tones of that era. Patted, squeezed, pinched and pressed, these frank ceramics became a fashionable alternative to mass production and modernist design.
You can bring your orphaned finds to the Gallery, then label, categorise and add them to the exhibition. Prizes will be offered for the most unwanted, unusual and ugliest pot." - Whitechapel Gallery (It's on until September).
You can bring your orphaned finds to the Gallery, then label, categorise and add them to the exhibition. Prizes will be offered for the most unwanted, unusual and ugliest pot." - Whitechapel Gallery (It's on until September).