Political Shoe Rant!
Over the years our favourite footwear designer Tracey Neuls has carved out a loyal following for heels that are beautiful yet comfortable. Two things that don't often go together. Many high heels are are designed by men - With aesthetic over function. Tracey combines the two and designs for women, for us to be able to walk comfortably and confidently, everyday with the perfect pitch and balance. She makes them with the individual in mind, not wanting to debilitate in any way. Her design is thoughtful and intelligent.
At the Golden Globe awards Emma Thomompson took off her stilettos because they pinched and announced “Why do we wear them? “They’re so painful. And pointless, really.”
I know we are probably preaching to the converted if you're reading this blog but it drives us crazy - high heels, if designed right do not need to be uncomfortable. You can walk, dance, run happily in a pair of Tracey Neuls and in the words of the designer herself : "Good design is something you feel as well as see"